I was going through my closet the other day, clearing out stuff that I hadn’t worn in a while, and putting them aside, either to donate or sell (I’ve had trouble selling items online, probably due to my size. Now my Trend Trunk closet is mostly bags, since bags know no size). I noticed that once again, like in years past, my closet was full of black and other darker colours. I had told myself time and time again that I wasn’t to buy anything black – no LBDs, no black pencil skirts, pumps, bags or darker wash jeans (if we were to step aside from true black for a moment) – but that has never happened. Just the other day, I bought a pair of black linen pants for the summer. It’s like an addiction, something I can’t stop doing. And many women feel that way, too.
Stock image of a mostly black wardrobe. Does this look like YOUR closet?
I don’t know if it’s conditioning – we’re often told that darker shades are more slimming and hide “problem areas,” even if we don’t have any/feel that we have any – or maybe it’s just because we’re taught black goes well with everything (and we are all trying to streamline our closets, after all). All I know is that when I go shopping, I tell myself not to ever buy black again, and often, still walk out with something in that shade. Like I said, I bought a pair of black linen pants just the other day. My excuse was that the material was “summer-appropriate” and that I had a discount card for that particular store. But is that a good enough excuse? I could have used that gift card for other things, like colourful, summer tops or maybe that cute, colourful skirt. However, I chose black.
Some black pieces from my closet
At this point, I’d say that my closet is about 50% black/dark colours (including charcoal and dark wash denim). It’s probably a bit better than some women, especially those who work in more traditional offices, but unlike many women, I also don’t own a lot of accessories. I simply don’t wear much jewellery not only because of conditioning back in high school (strict uniform code where we were only allowed to wear small “keepers” for the ears, religious symbols around our neck and a school ring), but because I feel that OTT (over the top) jewellery is simply too overwhelming on very small women. Trust me, I’ve tried, but I always feel that it looks awful (though not nearly as nasty and trashy as nail art).
What are your thoughts on owning too much black? Do you think you’re “addicted” to black clothing? Share your thoughts!
First image from: AnikaSalsera/iStock Photo