Screen handle: @cpetric
Where are you based?
Chicago (originally from Texas)
Screenshot of Christine’s blog
Why did you start your site?
I realized that there were so many things that I wanted to share with people – tips on shopping for other petites, cool places to go when traveling and my own weird ways of styling that somehow turn into something cool on occasion, so I decided to just go for it!
How long have you been blogging?
Coming up on a year and a half. It doesn’t feel like that long though…
What kind of impact do you think bloggers have made in the style industries, if at all?
Oh man.. I think the impact has been huge. At least in the fashion industry, bloggers have really made their presence known. They’ve landed incredible opportunities to work with some of the top brands in the world, several have been asked to model in designers’ fashion shows and plenty sit front row for some of the biggest name shows that exist. It has been quite the time for bloggers
Have you seen changes over the past few years?
Yes, going with the previous question I think the industry has started embracing the online community much more – mainly because that’s where everything is headed. It’s great to see brands really jump into things and not be afraid to try something new when it comes to online/bloggers.
Who influences you the most in style?
I don’t know if there is a who, but the entire online community of bloggers and street style photographers really inspire me. It’s incredible to see how many different ways there are to style things. Creativity is something that I think can be shared and used for collaborating. Sometimes I see something that someone else styled and I reinvent it a little in my own way. I love when that happens!
What piece of clothing/beauty item can’t you live without?
That’s such a tough question! I think I could probably survive :), but I love my Alexander Wang rocco bag.
Online shopping or brick-and-mortar stores?
Both. I am a sucker for online shopping because it’s so convenient, but you can’t fully replace the experience of going to a store, finding what you’re looking for, and walking away with a bag full of goodies.
Anything else you’d like to add?
Thanks to everyone who has supported and followed my blog through its journey, you guys are everything.