Screen handle: Oui, Petite (Twitter: @tangluu)
Where are you based?
Greater Toronto Area
Why did you start your site?
I had really wanted to start blogging for the longest time, but never really knew what to blog about. And when this blog name came to mind it felt really perfect and at that point in my life I had figured out what I loved (fashion, design) and what I really wanted to blog about. So, it’s all about sharing what I love.
How long have you been blogging?
On and off over the years, but officially since August 2010!
What kind of impact do you think bloggers have made in the style industries, if at all?
I think bloggers have made a big impact in the style industries. I see fashion bloggers being profiled in fashion magazines nowadays and being featured in television and all over the place. Bloggers have the ability now to set trends and spread the word on style.
Have you seen changes over the past few years?
Yes. I remember when I first started reading blogs and it was all about personal blogging. Now, there are so many different kinds of blogs and audiences. Blogs also have such a wider reach now and a bigger voice in the world.
Who influences you the most in style?
Hmm.. that’s a question that doesn’t have an instant answer for me. But if I could sum it up in one word, it would have to be the internet. Everything I see in blogs, on store sites and just online in general have really been what influences me in style lately. At the odd time, it may be a fashion magazine here and there, but as a blogger I spend so much time online, that is really where I get inspired.
What piece of clothing/beauty item can’t you live without?
I cannot live without a good belt to define the waist (and give the illusion of longer legs) and black liquid eyeliner to make the eyes pop!
Online shopping or brick-and-mortar stores?
Both. Ahhh I can’t choose! I am a bit of a shopaholic. I love the ease of online shopping and being able to get whatever I need easily and conveniently in one click (also a wider access to shops as a Canadian), but as a petite woman fit is very important and much easier to figure out when in-store to try it on. So I’d have to go with the brick and mortar.
If there’s one thing you can change about the “real” fashion industry, what would it be?
I’d love to see more petite talk out there and continued support for petite women’s wear. I love seeing all the petite spotlights here and there that have been popping up in the media, so let’s keep it going!
You also blog about food. Do you consider yourself a foodie?
I don’t consider myself a foodie much but I love baking and cooking simple recipes! I’m more of a food-eating lover.
Do people (i.e. your friends/dining companions) think it’s weird that you take pictures of food at restaurants?
Usually no one questions me when photographing food at restaurants. I usually refrain from doing it in big group dinners though so I don’t get asked why and have to explain why! But that’s what I love about the iPhone: discreet food photos!
What’s your favourite type of cuisine?
Hmm… I have to pick ONE? I love all kinds of food, from Italian to Chinese to American! Okay, if I must pick one, I’d say Japanese. There is a PERFECT spicy salmon roll I’ve found that I would die for and sushi is one of my favourite foods of all time. There was a time when a friend and I would go for all-you-can-eat sushi almost every week! So bad, I know!
Anything else you’d like to add?
Thanks for having me Cynthia! This has re-inspired me to blog more on petite fashion.