Due to being out of the country for a family wedding, I actually did not see the episode until Tuesday, so I had to write this up very quickly. It was very interesting, considering it was the first-ever episode in franchise history where someone was not able to finish a course due to injury (and was, therefore, eliminated). Ingredients for the various courses included smoked turkey thighs, quiche Lorraine, gummy worms and fruit cake. However, for my fantasy meal, I’ve decided to use what was in the main course basket: butter chicken, swordfish, rice paper and fava beans.
Fava beans
Anyone who knows me knows that I like to mix cultures up a little bit, so yes, I’m going to make chow fun using the rice paper, swordfish, butter chicken, fava beans and other ingredients. I got the idea to make noodles (in Cantonese, noodles made out of rice is “fun” while that made from wheat is “mien.” Don’t ask why Italian pasta is “yee dai lay FUN,” which was the term used long before gluten-free came along) from one of the contestants, who dunked the rice paper in boiling water and sliced them into strips.
What I’d first do is boil the beans, then allow to cool/dunk them in cold water so I would be able to peel them. They will be set aside. Meanwhile, the fish is sliced into strips, then seasoned and tossed into a wok where it will be stir-fried with some julliened carrots and zucchini. The fava beans will then be added, followed by some bean sprouts, the rice paper strips and then topped with some butter chicken sauce. Voila!
Of course, if this were to be judged on the show, I might be criticized for not using all of the butter chicken. However, a girl’s gotta do what a girl’s gotta do!
Image: Blackregis/Shutterstock