The ingredients for the main course last week were as follows: hare, sage, watermelon lollipops and bok choy. There was, as usual, a time limit, but this post isn’t about that, so I will will take my time and braise the meat in the oven. It’s a fantasy meal, anyway – something that I will probably NOT likely make – at least not with hare. More than likely, in real life, the dish would be made with a leg of lamb or lamb shoulder.
First, the meat is seasoned, browned (in a heavy dutch oven) and set aside. The watermelon flavoured lollipops – about four or five – are melted down into a liquid and poured over the meat along with two tablespoons of balsamic vinegar, half a cup of mushroom broth (preferably low sodium) and some chopped garlic and sage. Add some chopped onions, carrots and parsnips and the meat can be placed in the oven at 325 F for about two hours.
While the meat is cooking, rinse the bok choy and chop into small pieces. Set aside. Rinse the rice (or your favourite rice substitute such as quinoa, freekeh or bulgur) and cook according to directions. With about five to 10 minutes left, add the vegetables into the pot and allow it to steam. Please note that the time you start cooking the grain will depend on type – quinoa, for example, only takes 15 minutes to cook, while rice is closer to half an hour or more (depending on type).
To serve, place a round mold/cookie cutter in the middle of a dinner plate and scoop the rice/grains in. Release the mold. Then, place two or three pieces of hare slightly to the left of the grains, along with some vegetables and a tiny pit of sauce.
Image credit: SOMMAI/Shutterstock