Are there any cosmetics brands you’ve used in the past that no longer exist that you miss? Or did some just disappear without you even noticing? Or, maybe they’re only available in certain markets. I started using make-up around 1993 or 1994, when I was in 14 and in Grade 9. Back then, my collection mostly included Body Shop, Bonne Bell, Maybelline and Covergirl. All of these still exist, though with some different products. However, there are also brands that I’ve seen over the years that have now disappeared:
Ultima II: Okay, I never really used any of their products. It kind of had an “old lady” vibe to it by the time I was old enough to use make-up, but I did see adds in the magazines I read. I think it left Canada about 10 years ago, and I had actually thought that Revlon decided to get rid of the line (because of its reputation). However, I spotted Ultima II at a Hong Kong cosmetics store over the holidays. After some research, I found out that they were still widely available across Asia.
Max Factor: No longer available in Canada, but apparently one can find them online in the US. My mother, however, thinks that Smashbox is really Max Factor re-branded, considering that the founder is a descendent. I disagree, especially when the Max Factor brand still existed when Smashbox made its debut AND the fact that they’re owned by different companies (Max Factor was P&G while Smashbox is Estée Lauder.
Prescriptives: This line left department stores a couple of years ago and products were available online in the US until products were sold out.
M Professional: This was a drugstore line available at Ontario PharmaPlus stores in the late 1990s. They had a wide range of products and tools, including very lightweight lipsticks which I liked because I wasn’t allowed to wear “noticeable” make-up with my school uniform. I’ve tried looking for them online, but they must have gone out of business before websites were widespread as I can’t find any information online about them at all (my search results all end up being MAC-related) other than its logo which I got from a Google image search. I’d say that out of all the ones I listed, this is the brand I miss most. I think I always had two or three of their lipsticks in my locker in Grade 11 or 12 and another two or three at home. They pretty much replaced my Lipsmackers collection.
Do you have brands that you miss? Have you used any of the lines mentioned above?