Fashion Week Street Style Inspo…or Not…

There’s the OTT street style one sees at various Fashion Weeks and there’s normal, every day clothing.  Honestly, I don’t really give a HOOT on the former.  I think a lot of people who wear the crazy clothing at Fashion Week only do so to get attention, and I have never really been inspired by any of the looks.  I’ve never been to New York Fashion Week, but when I go to Fashion Week here in Toronto, I go as press, and as press, I try to look more on the professional side.  I do, however, try to wear one piece by a Canadian designer each day.


A photo of me at World MasterCard Fashion Week (Toronto Fashion Week) in 2012.  This is a typical outfit I’d wear (apologies for the weird filtering/lighting).

Perhaps my Fashion Week wardrobe is just too plain for street style photographers.  I came close to being photographed by one a few years ago, but he only wanted to do some test shots.  To tell you the truth, I felt a bit insulted by his comment.  And I probably should have said something.  While yes, there are attendees/bloggers who wear more “normal” clothes that get photographed, I find that a good majority of those who are featured are more ” out there” dressers.  Thus, I can’t say that I’m “inspired” by the typical “street style” attention-grabber – I’m more likely to interpret things my own way, toning things down a bit and making them more professional-at-Fashion-Week appropriate (a post about what to wear if you’re “working” during Fashion Week will come in October, right before the Toronto shows).

This was my attempt at writing a piece for this week’s IFB Project: Street Style Inspiration.

About Cynthia Cheng Mintz

Cynthia Cheng Mintz is the founder and webitor-in-chief of this site and the petite-focused site, Shorty Stories. She has also written for other publications including the Toronto Star and has blogged for The Huffington Post. Her first novel, Aspirations, was published in 2007. Outside of writing, Cynthia researches and advises philanthropic ideas for family funds and foundations and also volunteers.

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