There’s the OTT street style one sees at various Fashion Weeks and there’s normal, every day clothing. Honestly, I don’t really give a HOOT on the former. I think a lot of people who wear the crazy clothing at Fashion Week only do so to get attention, and I have never really been inspired by any of the looks. I’ve never been to New York Fashion Week, but when I go to Fashion Week here in Toronto, I go as press, and as press, I try to look more on the professional side. I do, however, try to wear one piece by a Canadian designer each day.
A photo of me at World MasterCard Fashion Week (Toronto Fashion Week) in 2012. This is a typical outfit I’d wear (apologies for the weird filtering/lighting).
Perhaps my Fashion Week wardrobe is just too plain for street style photographers. I came close to being photographed by one a few years ago, but he only wanted to do some test shots. To tell you the truth, I felt a bit insulted by his comment. And I probably should have said something. While yes, there are attendees/bloggers who wear more “normal” clothes that get photographed, I find that a good majority of those who are featured are more ” out there” dressers. Thus, I can’t say that I’m “inspired” by the typical “street style” attention-grabber – I’m more likely to interpret things my own way, toning things down a bit and making them more professional-at-Fashion-Week appropriate (a post about what to wear if you’re “working” during Fashion Week will come in October, right before the Toronto shows).
This was my attempt at writing a piece for this week’s IFB Project: Street Style Inspiration.