Us late Xers and early Millennials grew up watching Full House on Friday evenings, and later, Tuesdays. And now that the sequel (can we call it a sequel?) has launched on Netflix, many may be binge-watching the first season, which launched on February 26. I still have a few more episodes to watch (at least at this writing), but am quite enjoying it (it brings back memories), despite it being a bit on the silly side. Of course, that’s what Full House was like back in the day as well.
Fuller House trailer
There are many references to the old series, such as catchphrases (“how RUDE!” and “cut it OUT!” for example) and even the set itself (DJ’s sons have pencil furniture in their bedroom). The story line somewhat mimics the original with a widowed parent (DJ) with three kids and the two adults who help have music-related careers (Stephanie is a DJ, just like Jesse and his band. However, based on the episodes I’ve seen, Stephanie is probably much more successful a DJ than Jesse was as a musician) another who is just a bit on the odd side (DJ’s childhood BFF, Kimmy Gibbler, more or less taking on the Joey role. However, Kimmy is an event planner, not a comedian wannabe with a kids’ show on local TV). Of course, there are differences as well. For example, Joey Gladstone was single and child-free, but Kimmy is separated with a 13 year old daughter.
The episodes’ plots are very typical of sitcoms – kids getting into trouble and parents having “parent issues” (one episode involved Kimmy and DJ disagreeing on parenting styles), for example. There’s a great deal of nostalgia – even if it’s not entirely accurate. I distinctly remember Jesse and Becky’s wedding being in the early 90s, which means they have NOT been married 28 years. More like 25 or 26. There are other inaccuracies, but they tend to be minute (such as the set itself) and really, not that big of a deal, in my opinion. There are some serious incidents as well, including one where Stephanie tells DJ that she cannot have children biologically (I can go on about this scene, but it’s for a completely different post). If you haven’t seen any yet (and why not?), I’m not going to spoil much more. I DO have to warn you that parts of the show are, indeed, quite cheesy. But the original version was as well.