Hoards of people, predominantly women, were at Steam Whistle Brewing Tuesday evening to shop, network, mingle and…GET COOKIES! Cookies & Champagne event, hosted by Hip Urban Girl, is now in its third year. There were many cookies available, ranging from standard favourites like chocolate chip, sugar and oatmeal to more modern takes like gluten-free rice flour cookies. There were also vendors at the event, selling or speaking about their services and of course, make-overs and mini-manicures.
The venue itself was a good in terms of location, but it felt rather packed. It’s likely not because the space was too small, but the way people made use of the space. The bar area was rather empty compared to the area where the cookies, food and vendors were. In addition, there was a very long line for manicures, which took up some mingling space. Perhaps organizers should have made better use of the space – moving manicures to another spot to make networking and mingling easier. Despite the crowded, hard-to-mingle space, the event was definitely a lot of fun!