Cynthia Cheng Mintz
Steve Jobs, who looked amazingly healthy, was on hand at the announcement today. The iPad 2 will not only be thinner (8.8 mm thick – thinner than an iPhone 4) and lighter (1.3 lb) and faster (up to nine times faster using the same 10 hour battery life), but will be coming to stores very, very soon – by the end of the month! The device will first be available in the United States on March 11, and then in several other countries, including Canada, Japan and the United Kingdom two weeks later, on March 25. In addition to the Wifi only and Wi-fi/3G editions, the iPad 2 will be available in black or white versions. Prices for the iPad 2 are towill be the same as the first version.
Facetime, which first came on the iPhone 4, will be part of the new iPad. In addition, an updated operating system – iOS 4.3, will come with the new iPad and will be available to upgrade on existing devices such as iPhone 4, iPad 1 and third and fourth generation iPod Touches. Two new apps have also been specifically developed for this new device. The first is iMovie for iPad, which comes prepackaged with the device. There are new themes and videos can be shared on a variety of different sites including YouTube, Vimeo, iTunes and Facebook. The other app is Garage Band for iPad, available for $4.99 and compatible with the Mac version. Can edit multiple tracks with this app. In the live blog at, they blogger mentioned that it is a great way for bands to edit demos affordably.
Perhaps the most interesting accessory announced today were the Apple-designed iPad covers. Available in polyurethane ($39 US) and leather ($69 US) and in five colours each, the covers latch on to the iPad magnetically and auto-aligns to fit perfectly. When peeled back, it can be folded back and used as a stand.
Despite the coolness of the iPad 2, I am still undecided as to what tablet to get. I am still waiting for the official announcement of the Playbook, but I am also a little worried. The latest rumour is that the Playbook won’t make it to stores until April 10, which is well after the iPad 2. This can’t be good news for RIM.