And the Internet access I’ve had has been through my phone’s hot spot, thus racking up my cell phone bill thanks to data usage. This completely sucks. We thought we would be getting better and faster service. But NO, that was NOT the case. Instead of getting faster service, we ended up having NO service at all. What’s funny is that our computers somehow detect that the wifi exists, even though it’s unavailable. We have tried everything. We’ve unplugged the modem, we’ve even hardwired (which is actually difficult because only my husband’s work computer even HAS an ethernet port). Nope, nothing happening.
Both of us have spoken with Rogers and they’ve said it’s an error on their side (basically, it isn’t reading that our new modem exists). We even had a tech come in to confirm. When my husband first spoke with Rogers on Sunday afternoon, they said that it would be 24-72 hours. That 72 hour window will expire today. However, I really doubt it will be back. I spoke with Rogers as well – via direct message (private message) on Twitter. I was told there that it was being “worked on” and that there’s no estimated time. How can that be? How can it even take this long to fix such an issue? We were, after all, told that we weren’t the only people facing the problem.
Does Rogers seriously NOT know what they’re doing (if they did, the glitch would have been fixed within 12-24 hours)? Do they realize that it’s difficult to be without internet in 2016? Especially when you work from home? I mean, sure, I can use my phone, but it’s getting very expensive. I won’t be surprised if people are going to leave for a competing service en masse if this isn’t fixed soon. We might be one of them.
Image credit: Kolchina Anastasiia/ShutterStock