People often ask me why I don’t shop at Pacific Mall (or other Asian shopping areas) for anything other than food and electronics. My answer? There’s just way, way too much kawaii (“cute” or “loveable” in Japanese). It’s a sensory overload and I really don’t understand why anyone who is older than middle school age wouldn’t be embarrassed by such images. I mean, it’s everywhere, from tissue paper to bedding to cosmetics and at times, even food. It’s interesting how Japanese pop culture filters into so much of East Asia. In Hong Kong, you can’t really escape kawaii – not even if you hide out at high end department stores like Lane Crawford.
Whether animals, food or whatnot, many things can be “kawaii’d”
I have some issues with kawaii. It can be more than a bit sexist, first off – at least to a westerner of Chinese descent like me. How often do you see male-centric kawaii products in North America? Kawaii products usually have some sort of child-like vibe to it, and no male is supposed to be child-like lest he wants to be teased. Worst is when people ACT kawaii. What’s the deal, especially when you’re a 30 year old woman? On one hand, you’re talking like you’re nine years old and on the other hand, you expect me to take you seriously. To me, you just look silly and definitely not sophisticated. Do adults really want to be cute? I get that people want to let loose and be a kid, but sometimes, it’s just a bit too much. It’s more than Peter Pan Syndrome here.
You might say it’s a “cultural” thing and that it’s really none of my business criticizing it (by being CBC (Canadian born Chinese), kawaii is not really my culture). But how this any different from criticizing valley-speak? We talk about how UNPROFESSIONAL it is all the time and tell people not to speak that way unless they DON’T want to be taken seriously. The kawaii voice you hear on Asian sitcoms, dramas and real life is no more natural than saying “like” after every word or ending each sentence as if it was a question. And when you combine that with actual kawaii products, it’s just…off. I have no problems discussing this and neither should the rest of the world. Unless of course, we’ve become so sensitive that we just can’t.
What do you think of kawaii? Are you into it? Do you think it’s sexist? Embarrassing? Why do you think it’s so popular?
Image © Macy Wong/iStockPhoto