Long Weekend Traditions: Monday Brunch and Cupcakes

My husband and I have a tradition each holiday weekend.  We have brunch at one particular restaurant.  It’s not exactly a fancy place – in fact, it’s a small chain of breakfast joints called Eggspectation.  And with the exception of the few months the Toronto location moved and was renovating its new spot, we’ve been going since at least 2007, three years before we married.  It usually involves a huge breakfast dish (or, at least back in the earlier days, when I was able to eat more), such as a platter of eggs, bacon and pancakes (these days, I’m more likely to have some sort of egg dish with fruit), followed by a walk around the Eaton Centre, to walk off what we ate.  The Eaton Centre is considered a tourist spot, so it’s open pretty much every day except Christmas.

Eggs and Fruit Eggspectation

Eggs from Eggspecation – nothing too special

Another tradition we have are cupcakes.  This is a newer tradition, only going back about two years.  Typically, we order from Prairie Girl Bakery.  Sometimes, we’d order fewer and add other items, such as cookies or brownies.  Prairie Girl offers “treats” each week – specials that are sold on rotation (it’s kind of random – no set time between items since one was on the list just a few weeks ago).  I am most likely going to order the vanilla chocolate ganache sandwich cookie as I have yet to try it!  Think of it as a reverse Oreo of sorts.

Prairie Girl Treats

Cookies and cupcakes from Prairie Girl Bakery

Do you have traditions for long weekends?  Is it the same each time or do you do something different?  For example, this coming weekend is considered the “unofficial start” of summer for many.  People might go up to their cottage for the first time since October (or even September), others might be opening their pools or using their backyard grill for the first time in months.  Yet others, it’s just a nice weekend to relax and watch fireworks to celebrate Victoria Day.

About Cynthia Cheng Mintz

Cynthia Cheng Mintz is the founder and webitor-in-chief of this site and the petite-focused site, Shorty Stories. She has also written for other publications including the Toronto Star and has blogged for The Huffington Post. Her first novel, Aspirations, was published in 2007. Outside of writing, Cynthia researches and advises philanthropic ideas for family funds and foundations and also volunteers.

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