MESH 2012 drew Canada’s IT and Web insiders to the Allstream Centre for networking and discussion on the cutting edge of their field. Plenty of attendees had travelled far and wide across North America to attend what has become a staple for the industry.
Clay A. Johnson (right) on Day 1 of MESH
MESH was founded in 2006 by five enthusiasts of the “Web and all the next-generation things happening … decided an event like this one had to take place in Toronto.” These five founders are Mark Evans (Principal, ME Consulting), Mathew Ingram (Senior Writer,,Mike McDerment (CEO, FreshBooks Online Invoicing), Rob Hyndman (business lawyer, Hyndman | Law) and Stuart MacDonald (entrepreneur, marketer, founder This year, Sheri Moore (Partner, Creative Director, Moore Carlyle Consulting) joined the core team.
Once again, the AllStream Centre at CNE proved to be an ideal venue, perfect for big MESH talks, small breakout sessions, WIFI environment and delicious breakfasts, lunches and the unforgettable networking coffee breaks.
The 2012 topics were less glamorous than last year, focusing more on Internet Freedom, data, content marketing, social media, and the Arab Spring and Real-Time Journalism. A highlight was the talk on pinterest, the “it” social media brand of the moment.
Speaking with Victoria Jovanovic-Krstic & Carol Leaman (Axonify Inc.)
There was a lot of substance to the talks and meat to take away, plus plenty of opportunities to speak to, mingle and even dine with the speakers. As this is a premier industry event, even the other attendees are fascinating with many leaders in their fields.
Day 1 special moments included Clay A. Johnson, founder of Blue State Digital, which built and managed President Obama’s 2008 online Presidential campaign, sharing his story; Brian Halligan, CEO Hubspot, who stated, “Google changed the marketing game; it used to be about the width of your wallet now width of your brain”; and Suresh Doss (Food Trucks fame) who spoke about how 20,000 people showed up at his Food Truck Rally’s just from the momentum of facebook and twitter.
Day 2 memorable moments featured Mark McKay giving a sparking summary talk on Pinterest and how it has become #1 for sales referrals (and the #3 social media platform); Social Media WTF? workshop with Michael O’Connor Clarke (integrated communications and marketing specialist and co-founder Ho-Ho-TO); and the highly anticipated talk with Andy Carvin, NPR’s primary voice on Twitter, and Facebook, and a leading voice during the Arab Spring.
It was truly an unforgettable moment when O’Connor Clarke revealed his WTF stood for Website – Twitter – Facebook, which is the priority sequence for any good social marketing plan.
The lunches!
Although there was plenty of overlap in some of the data talks, overall there was variety to the schedule and some very insightful speakers. A smaller event than last year, but one with some serious industry players. A worthwhile conference to attend.