It’s New Year’s Eve today, but I won’t be heading out to a party. In fact, I haven’t gone to one in years. Instead, my husband and I will be relaxing at home. Am I a party pooper? No. I just don’t feel like dressing up and heading out on a night that is probably more crowded with party-goers than any other night of the year. Besides, it’s more fun being at home. You can relax and wear whatever you want. There’s no one to impress and really, it’s much more “budget-friendly” and there’s no need to deal with crowds heading home after midnight – whether you’re at a house party or at a club or restaurant.
We will NOT be partying like these people on New Year’s Eve!
What do we typically do? For dinner, we order in, usually Indian food. It’s great to mark the end of the year with some spice, right? We don’t have a regular restaurant, but instead, have ordered from a different place each year (often from a restaurant we haven’t gone to or ordered from before). Afterwards, we might watch a movie. We usually don’t turn on the countdown until 10 minutes before midnight. The entertainment on most New Year’s Eve shows isn’t really that…entertaining, anyway. Really, how is it different from, say, the half time show at the Superbowl? And it’s usually fairly mainstream. Wouldn’t it be interesting to see a mix of Top 40 and perhaps, some opera?
We will, however, be going to brunch on New Year’s Day. I’m not sure how much I’d be able to eat – Indian delivery can be quite filling – but I’ll most likely be having something sweet. Here’s to a sweet 2014, right?
What about you? What do you do for New Year’s Eve? Do you go to parties? Nice dinners? Whether you go out or stay in, I hope you all have a happy New Year!
Image Credit: © coloroftime /iStockPhoto