Cynthia Cheng Mintz
DelectablyChic! was at the One of a Kind Show in Toronto on Thursday to scout out amazing gift items for the holiday season. The One of a Kind Show is held in Toronto twice every year and features artists, artisans and independent designers from all over North America and sometimes, other parts of the world. There are plenty of items to see and purchase, including bags/purses, jewellery, clothing as well as food, stationary and holiday-related pieces. The One of a Kind Show is held at the Direct Energy Centre at Exhibition Place and will be there until December 5, 2010. Hours are Monday to Saturday, 10 am to 9 pm and Sundays, 10 am to 6 pm.
Headbands from House of Hsueh, one of the artisans featured at the Toronto One of a Kind show
We will be featuring some of these pices on Daytime Toronto on Rogers Cable 10 on November 29. If you live in the 416 dialling area and have Rogers Cable, you will be able to watch us at 10 am, 3 pm and midnight on channel 10 (or set your recording device for one of those times). If you don’t live in the 416 dialling area, we should be able to post up a link to the show when the clip is available.