Well, at Yorkdale and the Eaton Centre in Toronto, anyway. I am unsure about petite availability in other cities. While the collection is very small (for example, only two washes in the Toothpick jean, perhaps three style of dresses and a handful of Tippi sweaters were among the pieces available). We shorter women no longer have to deal with the $12+ delivery charge for online orders!
It was definitely a pleasant surprise when I walked into the store earlier this week. This was not something I expected, especially because they aren’t doing much to promote this. A sales associate claimed that an email was sent out, but I did not receive one. And there’s no signage in the front either – one won’t know until they walk into the store, towards the back where sale items and business clothes are (yes, as per usual, petites are at the back. I guess EVERYONE puts petites in a corner!). I’m not sure if this is good business practice. Toronto does have a sizable petite population who likes J. Crew. Unlike Banana Republic and Ann Taylor – also at the mall – people still assume that J. Crew’s petites are online only. Anyway, it’s all up to them.
This isn’t the first time J. Crew had petites in stores. I recall seeing them in New York from the late 90s until 2001 or 2002, just as I was graduating from university and considering a work wardrobe. I have no idea why they got rid of it, considering their competition were ADDING petites into stores at that time (and it has since stayed)! I don’t think it has to do with them trying to become “fashion” as this was long before that was even a blip on their radar! Jenna wasn’t a style icon back then, either. In any case, I hope that some stores keep petite departments and even expand – not only to more stores, but choice as well. For example, at most pieces available in regular sizes in store at Banana Republic is also available in petites – in store. And, of course, LET PEOPLE KNOW PETITES ARE IN STORE. One shouldn’t have to walk in to find out.