While RIM still has NOT announced PlayBook’s release date (rumours are circulating that it’s April 10 or AFTER iPad 2’s release), they’re slowly letting the outside world know what one would find on the device. Recently, they announced some of the media apps, whic include Music Store by 7digital as well as podcasting among other things. The music is stored on a cloud, so it can be easily moved from device to device and is preinstalled on all PlayBooks. Music and podcasts already on your desktop or laptop can also be synchronized with the device via BlackBerry Desktop.
This device is looking more and more interesting. While I’m still undecided as to which tablet to get (it’s probably not going to be iPad 2. Sorry, Apple, but it’s not a big enough upgrade from the first one for me), the PlayBook is definitely worth taking a look at. Despite what many people say, I’m not sure we can declare it dead just yet. I for one am a fan of the PlayBook’s size. It’s more the size of a journalist’s notepad, making it easier for me if I’m at interviews. Let’s hope that there’ll be a note-taking app that recognizes handwriting from a stylus.
What do you think of these apps? Should RIM have bothered to have a music store for their devices? After all, legal digital music downloads is overwhelmingly dominated by Apple. What about the device itself? Do you prefer this size or something bigger?