Last month, we asked readers whether petite blogs have helped you become more stylish and “in-the-know” about what fits a shorter figure. Of those who participated, 62.5% said that petite blogs have definitely helped, 16.7% said that it depends, since most of the blogs focus on business/office-related clothing, while they were looking for something more casual or fun (i.e. weekend or clubwear), 8.3% said that it didn’t work well for them, as while they’re short, they’re also not small-framed like the typical petite blogger. There were also those of you who said that the blogs have helped, even if you aren’t petite (4.2%) and those who didn’t know that other petite blogs exist (also 4.2%). Another 4.2% chose other.
What do you think of these results and of petite blogs? Do you think they’ve helped you?