I couldn’t believe it when I read the piece on Lucky Magazine’s website. This HAS to be a joke. Of course, it could very well be (since it was seen on social media), but if it isn’t, then those women aren’t worthy of wearing Lilly. The stereotypical demographic of Lilly Pulitzer wearers tends to be a bit more…”refined,” shall we say, and would never say anything like that in public (and yes, social media is PUBLIC). It simply isn’t “lady-like.” While yes, in a way, it’s a form of “selling out,” one can also say that the brand is trying to reach a new demographic group. And that’s good for business.
The author’s three Lilly dresses, all purchased between 2004-2006
I’m wondering if it’s just the actual partnership itself. Would it have been as big of an issue if Lilly partnered with, say, H&M? People never think of H&M/designer collaborations as “cheapening” the higher brand. It’s something that one goes crazy about (except maybe Versace. There were LOTS of returns in North American stores). At the same time, Target doesn’t have the same “trashy” image as, say, Wal-Mart, so I don’t exactly get it. At the same time, I’m living in a country where Target is pulling out (I’ve only been twice, and both times were quite disappointing).
Some publications are arguing that Lilly, unlike other collaborations, is considered an “old line” and “old money” brand, which is “why” people are upset. However, as I noted earlier, those who fit into that demographic would NEVER air anything like that in online. They would just talk amongst themselves – if they’re upset about it at all. The comments must be coming from younger people, those who are daughters and granddaughters of the more “traditional” set, but just haven’t been well-polished enough yet (or maybe blame the lack of training from the older set). Or maybe these young people do not realize that airing their private thoughts on Twitter and Facebook isn’t really all that “private.” In either case, it’s disappointing behaviour.
What are your thoughts? Do you own any Lilly Pulitzer items?