I recently had the opportunity to speak with Sean Clark, founder of Vancouver-based online shopping destination, shoeme.ca. This online store carries shoes for men, women as well as kids in a variety of different styles, with brands such as NineWest, Jessica Simpson, Clarks and more – very “standard” affordable mall brands for the most part (in other words, if you are looking for Louboutins or Manolos, this is NOT the place to go). Price points tend to be in the low three figures or less. More recently, shoeme.ca started to carry bags as well as legwear. They also sell Vancouver-based denim brand, Triarchy. The aim, according to Sean, is to become the Zappos/Piperlime of Canada.
Screenshot of shoeme.ca’s homepage
Considering that many US-based stores either don’t ship to Canada or charge steep duty prices, many people are left with little variety (unless they live in larger cities). Therefore, shoeme.ca is doing a great service by offering Canadians more choice, according to Sean. In addition to a wider range of selection, many of the shoes come not only in the standard “medium” width, but narrow and wide as well. However, there currently aren’t too many shoes in the “specialty size” ranges of sizes 5 1/2 and below or shoes larger than 10 for women unless they are looking for “comfortable” pieces (i.e. not “fashion” or even “office-friendly” shoes). This is a bit unfortunate for ladies with petite feet like myself, but hopefully it will change in the near future.
Shoeme.ca is great for busy people who don’t have time to go to brick and mortar stores. The typical customer is female, between 30-50 and purchases more than one item at a time. Usually, the shopper will buy for her family, purchasing an average of 2.8 pairs at a time. Users also have the added benefit of a 100 day return policy!