Lou Lou Magazine’s Shop ‘Til You Drop held its Toronto event last night. Shoppers braved the on-and-off rain for the amazing with good discounts, delicious mini desserts at many of the stores and most of all, a great deal of fun! There were styling tips from Banana Republic and Winners (Winners had an emphasis on what types of clothing look best on different body types) as well as hair touch ups at BCBG from MORROCANOIL. Banana Republic also had an artist who did live fashion sketches of shoppers. Gap offered make-overs courtesy of Benefit Cosmetics and there were photo booths at several stores. An after-party was held at La Société, the latest Bloor Street hotspot for the styling crowd where LIGHTS held an autograph session.
What stuck out many at the event was probably the event held at a non-Shop ‘Til You Drop store. Town Shoes, which is right next door to Nine West (one of the participating stores), invited Canadian designer, David Dixon in for a special appearance. They lured prospective customers (many of which were Shop ‘Til You Drop attendees) in with drink tickets as well as a gift certificate for $10 off purchases over $50. An amazing marketing strategy (though I’m sure Nine West was NOT AMUSED)!
Shop ‘Til You Drop Montreal is September 22 and Burnaby is on October 6 (you Vancouver area folks are lucky – your Shop ‘Til You Drop is in a mall!).