The amazing thing regarding fashion is not the only the unique creations that come from the designers mind, it’s also the story behind the designer, where they came from and what pushed them to create. We sat down with Isobel Walker of frAsh and got some insight into her growing line.
When were you first interested in fashion?:
I started getting interested in fashion as I entered high school. I used it as a method to self-identify. During my teens I was obsessed with the idea of being the ‘other’. Fashion became a reflection of my state of being, my appearance from hair colour and style as well as my choice in clothing and accessories changed on a daily basis.
How did you first get started in fashion?:
As a youth my parents recognized my creative abilities and register me for sewing classes. It was there that I would create my own designs and I would use my high school hallways as my runway. I was often made fun of for my style choices. Which I find interesting, because when I started getting press and exposure for frAsh it was these very individuals that were the first in trying to contact me and associate themselves with me.
Who is your client?:
I envision my client as someone that wants to wear pieces that compliment there outer femininity and inner rock star. I have multiple personalities when I create which is why I love frAsh. Some pieces are simple and delicate while others are massive and aggressive, while others are a combination.
What inspires you?:
I am inspired by what I see and more often than not what I don’t see around me. I found that the accessory industry was lacking in the availability and accessibility of feminine jewellery with a rock edge. Ie: I could only find pearl necklaces or spike necklaces while I wanted one that had both.
Are you constantly designing/making pieces or is it more of “when I am inspired”?:
I have moved from the constantly designing / making stage to the – I am constantly inspired but not always creating. I am at the point now that I create for collections as oppose to just one of a kind. I find it more challenging but very rewarding at the same time.
Fefe Dobson in frAsh
Biggest lesson you’ve learned since you started?:
Not everyone has your best interest in mind. By far the hardest lesson I had to learn. Everyone wants a piece of the pie but no one wants to work for it.
Best piece of advice you can give somebody starting out as a designer?:
Be Patient! I read an article that spoke of some of the big names in the fashion industry, and that on average it takes 25 years to see a profit. This holds true to such names as Yves St. Laurent & Marc Jacob, and hopefully will hold true for me to. (only 15 more years!)
How would you like to see frAsh grow/expand?:
Slow and Steady. I have been able to build up a great network that is ever expanding. It is imperative that the business side of the company be able to keep up with the creative aspects and visa versa. It is when they become out of sync that problems arise. As long as frAsh is a brand that has a positive familiarity associated with it then I have done my job well.
Image credits:
photo 1 – Photogrpaher: Joel Bedford Makeup: Faces by Noah Style: Justyna Baraniecki
photo 2 – Photographer: Dan Ziemkiewicz Make Up: Faces by Noah Style: Justyna Baraniecki Model Michelle Treacy from Angies Models & Talent
photo 3 – FeFe Dobson wearing frAsh horn earrings