Some people may think they are one and the same, but I think this is not the case. In fact, they are, in many ways, very different. The fashion blogger is usually dressed in the latest “it” styles (even if it looks ridiculous on them) and are, to a certain extent, the newest socialites (cyberites?). They often focus on what’s hottest on the runway and have a philosophy that is closer to traditional fashion media. For example, many will criticize certain cities’ fashion weeks, consider them “boring” or only believe that certain body types can work the runway. Many also don’t quite understand where those who don’t agree with them are coming from. This is, of course, not always the case – just like fashion magazines, many fashion bloggers, including Montreal’s MissSLY! have spoken about body image issues.
Blogs like Vancouver’s Her Waise Choice (above) and Toronto Beauty Reviews (below) are usually more “real-life” than many fashion blogs
Style bloggers, on the other hand, are more down-to-earth. They’re usually classically dressed and the blogs are not always about what’s “in” but what looks best on an individual. Outfit pictures are pretty much mandatory in the style blogger’s world, sometimes accompanied by brands and perhaps even sizing (a standard in the petite community). Some focus not just on style, but also beauty products (e.g. Toronto Beauty Reviews). Many style bloggers are body type specific (e.g. plus or petite), usually not what the mainstream fashion industry considers “ideal.” This is to the advantage of the regular, every day person who is looking for someone whose figure is closer to their own. The majority of clothes also come from easier-to-access brands and stores. Of course, style bloggers do talk about the latest styles as well, with many attending their local fashion weeks. However, the perspective that they write from is usually not the same as an actual fashion blogger.
There are similarities, of course. Besides discussion about clothing, both fashion and style bloggers, if popular enough, get press from more traditional sources, making site owners celebrities in many ways. PR companies love these writers, often sending them products for review or invitations to events (again so they can be written about). Sometimes, brands features these bloggers on their site (e.g. Her Waise Choice was on Coach a few months ago). At the same time, I’m not trying to separate the two either. While fashion bloggers are great at offering their views on the latest, hottest and most glamorous looks, I think style bloggers are great at giving the industry as a whole some balance, with their more “real” outlooks about what we wear.
What do you think?