Cynthia Cheng Mintz
I was saddened to hear about the closure of Le Pain Quotidien on Yonge North of Bloor. However, it seems that a “replacement” has quickly sprung up. While Sunset Grill does not have the trendiness of a Euro-inspired communal table type restaurant, it is a great place, for a so-called “lazy Sunday morning.” The new location, which just opened on January 5, is on Bloor and Park, just east of the Longo’s Market. The menu is the same as all other Sunset Grill restaurants, with your typical eggs, pancakes, French Toast and so forth. Portions are pretty big so I suggest that you go when you’re really hungry.
Veggie omelette
Weekend service is pretty good, especially if you arrive before noon. Food is also served pretty quickly – less than 15 minutes, if I timed it correctly. This is a good thing if you’re in a hurry, though it might be slower on during the week when the restaurant is busier due to the office crowd. Being east of Yonge and north of Bloor, the restaurant is surrounded by offices and banks. It’s also away from where all the other eateries are. The price is also lower than most Yorkville are brunch places and if you go on a week day, you can get a breakfast for less than $5.
There is an emphasis to develop east of Yonge. With the opening of Longo’s Market last summer and now the Sunset Grill as well as a condo going up right at the corner of Bloor and Yonge, perhaps we’re going to see more activity in the area in the near future!
The new Sunset Grill is located on 120 Bloor Street East and is open daily from 7 am to 4 pm.