I am not pleased with the state of how people dress these days. I know that many feel that one should wear whatever he/she wants whenever, but sometimes, rules ARE needed. I’m sorry, but what some people wear at fashion events is nothing but attention grabbing and often, I feel like photographers and media take advantage of that. It’s sort of a “let’s post these online/publish these in print just so people can make fun of you!” Not too different from those who go on TLC reality shows. I mean, many people who watch 19 Kids and Counting, Hoarders or Sister Wives just to make fun of the families, not because they actually LIKE the show.
Big bows and weird hats seem to get attention
I’d say that many people who go to fashion-related events don’t fall into the category of what I consider “professional.” While a suit or even sports jacket and khakis for men (or a twinset and pearls for women) isn’t necessary, green hair, funky hats, wild nail colour (ESPECIALLY NAIL ART. I mean, why is it still a THING?) and all that are nothing but attention-grabbing tackiness. And it’s not just 20 and 30-somethings at fashion events. I saw an older gentleman (if one can call him a gentleman) at the supermarket today wearing a fedora with a feather. WTF? A fedora is fine, especially if you’re trying to be a bit hipster (even if you’re pushing 60), but a feather on it? JUST. PLAIN. WEIRD. He looked like Robin Hood. At Whole Foods. Really, I think the only person who can pull off weird looks is Iris Apfel, and even then, I’m not 100% sure.
Or funky coloured hair
Yes, some of you might think I’m too strict and rigid, but guess what? Someone’s got to say SOMETHING. We live in a world where tacky seems to rue the day. As I’ve noted before, there are bloggers who believe that the media fawning over people like The Duchess of Cambridge, the late Grace Kelly or Audrey Hepburn and even current celebrities like Kerry Washington are just being too #normcore and #boring. These are the same people who look like freaks in my eyes. Do they really think it’s okay to look like that in a non-fashionista setting? Or maybe I’m just missing something.
Images: NinaMalyna (big bow); DC Studio (blue hair) Both from Shutterstock