Shopping, Availability and Living in Canada

I constantly read in retail-related blogs about the “lack of availability” in Canada when it comes to shopping for clothes, shoes and accessories.  And honestly, I can’t say I understand what they’re talking about.  Sure, there are stores that aren’t widely available in Canada, but that’s changing.  J.Crew and LOFT, for example, have been opening […]

Online Shoe Shopping Made Easy With

I recently had the opportunity to speak with Sean Clark, founder of Vancouver-based online shopping destination,  This online store carries shoes for men, women as well as kids in a variety of different styles, with brands such as NineWest, Jessica Simpson, Clarks and more – very “standard” affordable mall brands for the most part […]

Online Shopping in Canada = :-(

I read a lot of style blogs, many of which are based in the US.  I’m sometimes jealous of what these writers can buy, since so many online stores either don’t deliver north of the border (nor do they take Canadian credit cards – looking at you, Ann Taylor and Cole Haan) or charge an […]