Art Photography Online With The Print Atelier

Recently, I had the wonderful chance to speak with Maude Arsenault, an art photographer and creator of The Print Atelier, an online source for art photography.  Based in Montreal, the site allows shoppers to purchase prints by photographers without having the need to attend a show or step into a gallery, making them more accessible […]

Book Review: MockingJay (book 3 in The Hunger Games)

Continuing on in the trilogy Mockingjay skips no time in where Catching Fire leaves you. With the previous arena destroyed Katniss find herself rescued by the rebels. The book explores more into District Thirteen, the destruction of District twelve and the rebellion itself. Gale becomes a more central character in the book. Katniss’s relationship with […]

Zion Schoolhouse on the Closing List?

According to a Toronto Star article from Saturday, Zion Schoolhouse is one of the museums on Rob Ford’s shuttering list.  This North York school opened in 1869 and served the community until 1955.  In recent decades, it operated as a museum for school groups, creating an early 20th century school day experience for kids. Though […]

Loving the City Life!

It’s a pretty hot topic right now.  There’s even a show about it on HGTV Canada.  I’m talking about the urban vs. suburban lifestyle.  What do I like?  I’m definitely Team Urban.  I love being steps away from the subway, which could get me just about anywhere I want in the city in probably less […]

Webitor’s Pick from Her Bookshelf: Let’s Bring Back

Recently, I had the opportunity to attend The Society Toronto’s event at The Bay’s White Space on Queen Street (you can read about it here).  The event featured Lesley M. M. Blume’s book of the same name, based on her Huffington Post column.  Let’s Bring Back, which Lesley’s website describes as a “sophisticated, stylish cultural […]

Christmas and Dim Sum = Craziness!

It’s true what they say about Chinese restaurants and Christmas Day.  They’re crazy busy!  I think the only day worse than December 25 is the first day of the Lunar New Year.  While most Chinese people in Canada actually DO celebrate Christmas, at least in some form, dim sum seems to be the preferred way […]

Talking and Tourism

Erin Gold How many times have you been out in public, seen someone really handsome, and then looked away as soon as your eyes met his? If you look at the missed connections page on Craigslist, you’ll find out that it happens a lot. So many of the posts have to do with things like […]

Magic Comes Rocking at Cinderella’s Ball

Cynthia Cheng Mintz Featuring delctable nibblies catered by Rose Reisman Catering and musical performances from indie band, Broken Social Scene and Clara Venice, the Canadian Opera Company‘s annual fundraiser, Operanation, was a huge success this past Friday, October 29 and this year, celebrates Rossini’s La Cenerentola (Cinderella).  The event, which was held at the Canadian […]