Designer Profile: Angela Chen of OR

Cynthia Cheng Mintz West coast native, Angela Chen recently debuted her rebranded collection, now called OR, at LG Fashion Week.  Her Spring/Summer 2011 collection was inspired by the early 1980s movie, The Blue Lagoon, especially by the lead character, played by Brook Sheilds.  The collection is versatile, with the ability to take the wearer throught the […]

LG Fashion Week – Jules Power, OR by angela chen, Pink Tartan and More

(Collections left to right:  Jules Power, OR by angela chen, LOVAS Wesley Badanjak and Pink Tartan) Jules Power:  Jules Power was the first show of the day.  The spring/summer collection is full of flowy tops, dresses as well as pants and jackets, with pieces which will take a woman from day until night.  Despite the black […]

LG Fashion Week (Spring/Summer 2011) – October 18-23

Toronto’s LG Fashion Week starts next week!  This will be our first season covering the shows under the DelectablyChic! name, so watch this space every day for write-ups on what’s going to be in for spring starting October 19!  Designers presenting this season include the old favourites such as Pink Tartan and Evan Bidell.  Others presenting include […]