Chopped Canada Teen Tournament #3: Using Crumpets and Quince

With Christmas coming up, why not use the dessert round’s ingredients to create a sweet casserole dish for Christmas morning (who cares if the kids are going to get more hyper?  It’s Christmas Day.  It’s allowed).    In the basket for round three were:  crumpets, quince, butterscotch chips and whole allspice.  Not too difficult to combine.  […]

Midtown and North Toronto Summerlicious Dining

Summerlicious starts this Thursday and runs until July 21.  The prix fixe menus are, once again, $15, $20 and $25 for lunch and $25, $35 and $45 for dinner for a three course meal.  With nearly 200 restaurants participating this time around, there are definitely plenty to choose from, and many are NOT south of […]