Weekend Basics for Winter: Long Sweaters, Skinny Pants and Tall Boots

Though Toronto doesn’t necessarily get all that snowy in the winter, thanks to below freezing or borderline freezing temperatures, snow the ground is often extremely wet.  And as a frequent walker and transit-taker, even during the weekend, a wet walkway, especially when there are snowbanks, can dirty the hems of pants.  Thus, for me, anyway, […]

Video: Webitor’s Picks from Joe Fresh and J.Crew

As cold weather approaches, I’m finding that I’m wearing more and more sweaters.  I actually have a huge collection in my closet (and my old closet at my parents’ place) dating back to high school (I think I still have a Fair Ilse sweater from the Gap circa 1995 or 1996.)  My three newest additions, […]

Son Jung Wan Makes NYFW Debut with 70s Inspired Pieces

Cynthia Cheng Mintz The 1970s ruled once again Thursday at the presentation of Son Jung Wan’s Fall/Winter 2011 collection.  This cool, winter-inspired collection had a colour palette of grey as well as mauve, lavendar and just a hint of  fall camel. 1970s-inspired wide-legged pants, long, flowing skirts and draping fabrics, as well as shine and glitter were […]