Chopped Canada 23: Of Critters and Tropical Fruit

What would you make with escargots and onion ring chips?  It is, in a way, taking “high and low” to a whole new level.  Well, maybe not that high, since the escargots were canned, not fresh, but still.  Those two ingredients, combined with cranberry juice and chanterelle mushrooms were the four mandatory items for the […]

Chopped Canada 22: Marshmallow Cream, Lamb Kidney and Cotton Candy

The ingredients weren’t used in the same round, mind you, but they were all mandatory ingredients for episode 22.  I think the combinations from last night’s show were the most interesting (read: gross) to date, and it’s a good thing.  It’s Chopped Canada, after all. Tahini is a kind of sesame paste/sauce/dip The episode had […]

Chopped Canada 21: Kohlrabi and Canned Pressed Ham

Yes, along with the kohlrabi, “canned pressed ham” is excatly what you think it is, without the brand name.  They had to use it.  In the first round.  I bet everyone was grossed out.  The other ingredients for that round were quince past and white wine.  Out of the four contestants, I’d say that the […]