An Asian-Inspired Turkey for (Canadian) Thanksgiving

My family and I just had a wonderful turkey dinner, my first as host.  I bought the turkey earlier this week, and was lucky to find a smaller one – we were only going to be feeding four people (my parents, my husband and I) after all.  The turkey was already deboned and weighed in […]

Asian Inspired Steak Strips and Veggies

Ingredients: Striploin Grilling Steaks Asparagus Peppers Minced Garlic 1. Trim fat and cut steak into strips of approximately 1 to 2″ in width. 2. Marinate beef with minced garlic and a bit of terriyaki or soya sauce.  Refrigerate for approximately one hour. 3.  Chop of ends of asparagus and lay them on baking dish or rack. 4. […]