Success in the City 2014, a Recap

Hosted by Sexy & Wealthy in Heels and The Belle Method and sponsored by Louis M. Martini Winery, Success in the City (formally known as Divas in the City) is essentially an evening seminar which features experts in the fields relevant to urban women professionals and entrepreneurs.  Presentations are made on beauty, sex/relationships, finance, careers, fashion, nutrition […]

Blogger Profile: Cayley Pozza

Name:  Cayley Pozza Screen Handle: @caylpozza Website: Screenshot of Cayley’s blog Where Are You Based? London, Ontario Tell Me A Little About Your Site? There’s just absolutely way too much going on inside this oh’ so mysterious mind of mine- is a gateway into the crazy, beautiful, delicious, & downright odd, life I […]

Did Digital Kill Fashion Television?

Yesterday, it was reported that after 27 years, Canadian-produced Fashion Television (aka FT) was being cancelled with a rumour due to low ratings.  The purpose of the show when it premiered in the 80s was to bring fashion to “the rest of us” in a medium outside of print magazines.  However, over the past few […]