For the past few years, cable-based television has dominated the Emmys, especially in the drama category(this year, the only non-cable show with a nod was Downton Abbey (cast image below), which is shown on public television). One now wonders if drama – real “drama” – even has a place on network television anymore. In fact, save for a few cop shows and franchises like NCIS and Law and Order that have been around for years, I can’t even think of any shows of significance. Old line networks, TV for the masses, are mostly dominated by competitive reality shows and comedies.
Could this be due to dramas wanting less restriction? After all, in the United States, at least, one is allowed to do “more” on cable, especially when it comes to swearing and nudity (though this would depend on the type of cable channel – basic cable has more restrictions). And drama can tackle on more subjects without as many people complaining. The general public is often not too well-informed and often complain about anything and everything.” I mean, can you imagine the public outcry if Newsroom aired on NBC? The entire first season was mostly about how stupid the public (especially conservatives) can be – at least that’s how I took it. And as for shows like Downton Abbey, period television, especially pre-1950s television from another country, really isn’t something that is of interest to too many people.
Comedy, on the other hand, is more universal. While certain sitcoms might not do well outside of North America (mostly for cultural reasons as things can get lost in translation), these shows are less likely to be criticized and viewers don’t need to rely on their brains to watch the show. Instead, it is purely for entertainment, much like reality shows (especially competitive ones like Dancing with the Stars or X Factor). Of course, there are comedies on cable as well – Sex and the City was one of them – but unlike the drama, comedy seems to be surviving well outside of cable.
What are your thoughts on television? Do you think cable drama isn’t made for the regular Joe or Jane? Do you think, to use 2008 US Election lingo, “Joe the Plumber” would “get” that shows like Newsroom exist to criticize a certain segment of society? And finally, do you miss more dramatic television on mainstream network TV? Or was there really “true drama” on TV that wasn’t over the top “soap opera-ish”?
Downton Abbey image: Jaguar PS /