I hate this time of year. It’s not cold enough to be completely bundled up, but definitely not warm enough to be strutting around in sandals and capris. It’s that in between time again. And yes, I’m still stuck in my ugly tall boots. They’re dirty from the snow (I don’t bother cleaning, since they’re just going to get dirty again). I have boots for slightly better weather, but with snow coming and going, I usually only wear them between (Canadian) Thanksgiving and early December, before the first BIG snowfall begins. I also have what I call 10 month shoes – wedges that I can wear if the roads are dry enough and it isn’t below freezing. But I might have to wait a few weeks before I can wear that. It just depends on the temperature.
This lighter weight coat from J.Crew is finally seeing some wear, after being in the closet since November
It’s easier with clothes, even though at times, taller boots don’t really work well with transitional clothing. There are cute floral dresses I have in my closet, but those boots just make it look harsh and maybe a bit 90s/Courtney Love. At my age, I want to look sophisticated and age appropriate, not someone trying to relive her middle school/early high school days. I’m not one of those weird, over-the-top women at Fashion Week. Perhaps that’s why I’m never photographed. Not weird enough to be made fun of. I just blend in with the rest. Anyway…
The good news is that I’ve started to wear a lighter weight coat. My bright green J.Crew Lady Day hasn’t seen the light of day since late November. And since it’s been above freezing or just at freezing so far, it’s going to be worn quite a bit. I just want it to be warm enough for me to bring out my trench. And my cute lighter-weight dresses with bare legs. I’m tired of pantyhose!