The 15th Annual Butterfly Ball in support of Boost for Kids Foundation was held at the ever trendy Evergreen Brick Works, raising more than $125,000 in just one night.
Debbie Fenwick, Priscilla Low & Maureen Greenstein
Over 300 of Toronto’s most glamorous, fashionable, powerful philanthropists, socialists and trendsetters came out to support this very important fundraising initiative for Boost Child Abuse Prevention & Intervention. The Presenting Sponsor of the Event was Rogers and Honourary Chair was Suzanne Rogers, who was dressed in a stunning white and pink princess ballgown.
The twenty-person 2012 Butterfly Ball Committee included Victoria Webster (last year’s Honourary Chair), Vanessa Mulroney, Jennifer Saunders, Lynn Factor and Lesley White, among others. The VIPs in the crowd were numerous and included Celebrity Chef Cory Vitiello and Sommelier Anton Potvin.
John Tory, Butterfly Ball MC
The evening began with a cocktail reception followed by a sit-down dinner, catered by Celebrity Chef Mark McEwan. There were welcoming remarks by MC John Tory, Honourary Chair Suzanne Rogers, followed by a special live performance by A Girl in the Sky. DJ Danny Floh entertained until there was a very successful live auction coordinated by Auctioneer Jay Mandarino. Sunrise cruise, trips to the Bahamas, raptors tickets and lots of private dining were auctioned off at well above their reserve prices. A highlight of the night was when Boost support Police Chief William “Bill” Blair, C.O.M., personally came on stage to donate special emergency unit training packages that promised to have lots of fun toys as well as lunch.
T U Dawood and Guest
The event was artfully decorated with the butterfly theme throughout at the setting of Evergreen Brick Works proved to be a big hit. The cocktail reception was boisterous and fun and so was extended slightly beyond the original set time. Dinner was simply exquisite and a first course of phyllo cup with woodland mushrooms following by a choice between braised beef short rib or pan seared halibut. Dessert was an extremely popular banana strudel with chocolate ice cream and sponge toffee.
Party decor
Fashionistas came out in full force with summer cocktail dresses in bright coloured the favoured look for the evening, despite it being an unseasonably chilly evening. Solid colours in citrus shades were the most popular with often daring pairings such as white dresses with bright orange stilettos. Men were very suavely dressed with most in traditional formal suits but some favouring the latest trend of dapper pocket kerchiefs sans ties with formal dress shirts.
To donate to this special organization that protects children, please click here.