The 4 Types of Label Freaks

One may think a Label Freak (aka Label Whore) is a Label Freak, but really, there are at least four types,  as seen below:

The “S/he’s Not Famous To Me” Freak: I came across this type a few years ago at a department store.  A woman proclaimed that a pair of shoes just wasn’t “worth it” because she’s never heard of the designer.  She was fairly loud and I could her from several feet away. The funny thing is that the designer wasn’t an unknown at all, but someone known for a certain style of flats (I’ll let you figure out who I’m talking about).  Besides, how is a brand supposed to become more well-known if so many people are like that woman at the store?  If no one buys anything from an up-and-coming designer, not only will that designer not make money, but he or she will never become better known.  Besides, as with the department store case, being “well-known” is relative.

Green Fashionistas can be just as “Label Freak” ish as those who only wear exclusive, major brands

The “S/he’s TOO FAMOUS to Me” Freak:  The complete opposite of the above Freak.  This person loudly criticize a brand for being TOO well-known.  Usually refuses to shop at major department stores, opting only for indie shops or even an up-and-coming designer’s studio.  Unlike the typical Label Freak, this one is usually found in areas known for independent shops – especially environmentally conscious ones.  Would NOT be caught dead with Louis Vuitton or drinking coffee from Starbucks.

It’s better to be discrete and label-free like this woman than to overload on brand names!

The Over-Branded Freak:  We’ve all seen this type.  They’re the ones who are very obvious about their brands, wearing two or more (rather large) logos at the same time.  The bag is usually the most obvious (usually in the form of Louis Vuitton or Coach).  And interestingly enough, they are usually buying lower-priced models, because the brand logo products tend to be cheaper.  Related to the “S/he’s Not Famous to Me” Freak, but much less discrete since they want to let the whole world know who they’re wearing.  They also tend to buy certain brands because they’re on the pricier side – even if the piece is ugly.

The Mean Girl/Guy: This is the one who criticizes you on your shopping habits.  You know, the type who’d say that they love your pants, and would ask you where you bought it.  If the answer is from store that wasn’t up to the individual’s standard, this person will give you a look.  This is perhaps the worst one of all, since they’re more personal about it.

I’m not saying that one shouldn’t wear ANY type of label (one would have to make his/her own clothes to do that and most people aren’t very good at sewing).  It’s just that I have issues with people who would only buy certain brands because of how well-known (or not well-known) they are, criticize people for doing so or are just plain show-offy about what they can afford – especially if they have the attitude that one can’t be stylish unless they are Label Freaks.


Image credits: Go Green pic  © Steve Debenport/iStockphoto; Blonde in blue dress ©Poprugin Aleksey/Shutterstock

About Cynthia Cheng Mintz

Cynthia Cheng Mintz is the founder and webitor-in-chief of this site and the petite-focused site, Shorty Stories. She has also written for other publications including the Toronto Star and has blogged for The Huffington Post. Her first novel, Aspirations, was published in 2007. Outside of writing, Cynthia researches and advises philanthropic ideas for family funds and foundations and also volunteers.

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