With the extra-hot weather over the past few days, many of us may be looking for something comfortable to wear that is temperature-appropriate. Dresses are great, of course, but so are loose-fitting, lightweight tops. Update your skinny pants by pairing them with these tops, as seen below, wear them with shorts or even loose-fitting pants. Pair them with sandals, pumps or ballerina flats, depending on what the occasion is. Wear it to dinner, a summer barbecue or even to work, if your office dress code allows for casual wear.
Pants: Banana Republic (from S/S 2010)
Shoes: Stuart Weitzman
Jeans: Banana Republic (S/S 2010??)
Shoes: Stuart Weitzman (as above)
Which top do I prefer? Hard to say, as I like them both. The BCBG top is better quality (it IS much more expensive) and looks dressier, but since it’s blue, it won’t look that great paired with jeans (best colours to wear with the blue top are white or grey). On the other hand, the top from LOFT is lighter in colour and therefore feels cooler on a hot day. It also goes well with not only blue, but grey and tan as well.
Note that both these tops are rather sheer, so it’s best to wear a camisole underneath if you don’t want any VBLs (visible bra lines)! The camisole worn with both tops above is from Smartset.