First, I must start by saying, this was my first over-sea’s trip in almost four years. Work has kept me very busy traveling in Canada and occasionally the US. My worries of trying to navigate myself around a city that I had never been to was, as for most people somewhat worry-some considering my trip wasn’t/isn’t all vacation. So I would be expected to arrive on schedule at specific places at times. Then navigating myself around a city to which, I don’t speak that language very well (if at all). So suffice to say, I was excited but also anxious.
As it stands, Paris seems to be a city that some might say “has it all”. Walking around, your eyes dance about, they are easily drawn away from focusing on just ‘where you are going’. The architecture can be magical, the fashion is unbelieveable, the art is breathtaking, the whole style the city has is very inspiring. There is an energy here and you can feel it!
For what to see, my best piece of advice, honestly, is get out there and explore, the city is surprisingly easy to navigate and very hospitable to tourists. There are more “touristy type” ways to see the city if you like as well. Via the hop on and off bus tour (the red bus), you will have the opportunity to see many of the most notable sights, such as Notre-Dame, The Louvre, The Pantheon, The Eiffel Tower and, yes, so much more!
Notre Dame
Regarding the shopping, yes, all those BIG labels you love are here (of course, it’s Paris!) and with immaculate boutiques and window displays. However I strongly recommend you to check out the designers based here whom haven’t expanded over sea’s yet, the hidden gems so to speak. Don’t be shy to walk into that little boutique you’ve never heard of, you may find it very worth while.
As many know, Paris is known for fashion. Even still, I was some what surprised to see how much it just shows up everywhere. While eating lunch in restaurants, the only show playing continuously was recaps of fashion shows, it’s easy to stumble upon a location shoot happening for a publication or a movie scene being filmed and yeah, you probably assumed this but, it seems as though everyone walking around has a unique style about them.
Touring the city on the Siene
The whole city is a constant stream of inspiration for anybody in fashion, art, music or beauty. The hair styles, the make-up trends. At times I found myself locked in a stare at somebody simply because of “wow, nobody dresses like that (at least that I’ve seen) back home.” I swear, some looked as though they just stepped off a runway, yet they are just hanging out at the park and having a coffee. The food is rather splendid as well, if you’re Paris and don’t get fresh baked bread or try as much cheese as you can, then, I don’t know what to tell you. Bakeries, dessert shops and food are everywhere, you have a great deal at your finger tips!
In closing, Paris is fashionable, easy to navigate and delicious, so why not give it a try?
Paris images courtesy of the author